Tuesday, January 25, 2022

James Webb Telescope Reaches Final Orbital Destination



Exactly twenty- four hours ago, the James Webb Space Telescope arrived at it's L2 orbital destination:

The James Webb Space Telescope has reached its final destination, almost a month after launch.

Since lifting off from French Guiana on December 25, the telescope has unfurled its tennis court-size sunshield and unfolded a massive gold mirror that will help it study the universe in new ways and peer inside the atmosphere of exoplanets.
The telescope's point of observation is nearly a million miles away from Earth and beyond the moon itself. The space observatory experienced its final burn on Monday to enter this orbit called L2.
"Webb, welcome home!" said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson in a statement. "Congratulations to the team for all of their hard work ensuring Webb's safe arrival at L2 today [January 24]. We're one step closer to uncovering the mysteries of the universe. And I can't wait to see Webb's first new views of the universe this summer!"
We can't wait for those views of the universe either!  Congratulations, NASA! 

(Image:  illustraton of the James Webb Space Telescope fully deployed/ NASA)

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