... although, again, probably not this anti- vax Republican loon:
Longtime Arlington Republican activist Kelly Canon, a grassroots organizer and vocal critic of vaccine requirements, died Monday of complications from COVID-19.
The Arlington Republican Party announced Canon’s death on Facebook. [snip]
Canon was recently hospitalized for COVID-19-related pneumonia, one of the most serious complications of the virus.
A month ago, Canon attended a symposium in Burleson dedicated to fighting vaccine mandates, according to her Facebook posts. Attendees included Dallas physician and vaccine skeptic Dr. Peter McCullough, who previously said on a Fox News show that there’s “no clinical reason to go get vaccinated.”
Canon said on Facebook in November that her employer granted her religious exemption request, so she would not be required to get a vaccine.
Canon was well-known for her successful grassroots campaign in 2015 to ban red light cameras in Arlington. They were later banned statewide. [snip]
A former vice president of the Arlington Tea Party, Canon left the organization in 2016 because of its support for a tax increase to build a new stadium for the Texas Rangers. Canon, along with a few others, created the Southeast Tarrant Tea Party, and Arlington voters passed the tax increase that year.
She gets extra loon points for being a tea bagger and for her being ok with letting people get away with running red lights. Freedumb!!
She didn't have to die. She has had choices to make in life, and one of her last ones was her worst. To the extent she endangered others by her choices and actions, sympathy is in short supply here.
(Image: Canon/ Twitter via Crooks & Liars)
Here I am!
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Gene -- As Cain himself said, without any sense of irony or self-awareness, "Stupid people are ruining America."