Thursday, January 6, 2022

Tweets Of The Day

Finish the job --


Aunt Pittypat has the vapors again --


Lying liar spreading lies on -- where else? -- Fox "News" --



Evergreen --




1 comment:

  1. I hope that Biden just set the D strategy for the mid terms.
    No apolagizing for trying to help the country coupled with hammer and tongs attack on the traitorpus thuglican party.
    No thuglican gets any credit for anything until they publicly and loudly denounce diaper don and his cohort of enablers. That and testify about fellow thuglicans vile behavior while turning over all documents, notes, emails etc of any communications between themselves and other members of the attempted coup.
    As a PS I find it rich that cheney is defending the constition with out denounceing her fathers treason and vile conduct. After all remember he clime he, as VP, was a 4th branch of government unanswerable to any one.
