Thursday, February 24, 2022

QOTD II: Putin's Fox Propagandist

From WaPo columnist Margaret Sullivan on pro-Putin propagandist Tucker "Mothertucker" Carlson's embrace of Putin:

"As Russia prepared to invade Ukraine, the biggest star on Fox News was busy doing what he does best: being thoroughly and appallingly wrong.

He defended the murderous instigator Vladimir Putin while disparaging legitimate heroes like Alexander Vindman, the Ukrainian-born retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel and former White House national security aide who was a key witness to Donald Trump’s abuses of power in his first impeachment and who has warned of Putin’s aggressions — but whom Carlson preferred to paint as some kind of sanctimonious warmonger.  [snip]

Carlson’s pro-Putin act is so helpful that Russian state television has been rebroadcasting it with Russian subtitles. [ed.-- see "America's seditious fifth column," 2nd tweet] Carlson urged Americans to turn against their government on the grounds that higher costs for them, in exchange for a pointless stand against Putin, is a ‘terrible deal for you,’ as Will Saletan summed it up in a Bulwark story comparing him to Charles Coughlin, the WWII-era radio host who defended the Nazis and painted Jews as a conniving force pushing the United States into the European conflict."  (our emphasis)

His affinity for ethno-nationalist, anti-Semitic, anti-democracy thugs puts him right at the heart of the rotted out, fascist cult also known as the Republican Party. 

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