Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Basic Immorality Of The Trump Cult


Appearing on Lawrence O'Donnell's program on MSNBC, psychiatrist Dr. Lance Dodes explained that Trump cult members aren't so much stupid, but they are lacking in morality:

"'It helps to be stupid, but I think that they're different because there are intelligent people who are members of cult, you know? As much as some of these people who are Republicans that don't seem to care about either democracy or morality are odious to us, they may be intelligent. Unfortunately, intelligence doesn't help you when you've got these enormous internal and external pressures to stay in line with the leader.

I think it has, certainly, a moral quality. People who have high moral qualities and values do stand up, we sometimes consider them heroic. They finally say this is not right, as Liz Cheney did. I think we have to question the morality of the Trump followers because their morality is not strong enough to overcome their self-interest of staying in the cult.(our emphasis)

You have to lack a morality gene when you can look past the Malignant Loser's manifest lies, sexual assaults and adultery, his blind narcissism, greed and cruelty and proclaim him as sent from heaven. Just look at his twisted Christofacist idolaters

The hold that the Malignant Loser has on his cult members is strong. The dynamics of cults require them to block out any criticism or adverse facts about the cult leader in order to maintain their cohesion, and to receive affirmation from other cult members. Cult members can leave the fold, as this man did, but it's not a mass exodus, and may never be.

(photo: The P*ssygrabber-in-Chief with procurer Jeffrey Epstein in November 1992. NBC News)


1 comment:

Frank Wilhoit said...

"...You have to lack a morality gene when you can..."

No. What you have to be able to do is redefine morality; and that is something that anyone can do, to any extent, at any time. (Cf. W. G. Sumner, a person well immersed in the characteristic vileness of his time and place, but who was nonetheless right about this.)