Saturday, February 5, 2022

The "Un-American" Hand Grenade

“Frankly there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president."  -- Mike Pence

Ed Kilgore, writing on smarmy hack former Vice President Mike "The Fly" Pence's clap back against his formerly-idolized boss, the "un-American" Malignant Loser, yesterday at the Federalist Society:

"....Pence’s decision to respond at a Federalist Society event in Florida was shrewd. Nearly everyone in this audience of conservative legal beagles almost certainly knows that Trump’s incoherent and self-serving claims — that Pence had the power to award Republicans a victory they had not earned and/or to adjourn that day’s constitutionally sanctioned joint session of Congress and 'send it back to the states' — are absolute B.S.  [snip]

"Pence’s speech marks an escalation — or counter-escalation — of his evident break with the man he once idolized to an embarrassing degree. 'Un-American' is a verbal hand grenade when tossed into the company of self-proclaimed super-patriots. But it was a reminder that Donald Trump does not necessarily define his country, his party, or the law and Constitution. We’ll now see if MAGA bravos start once again building gallows for Pence."

Pence has been waiting for an opening for this response, and got it when Trump again attacked him for not overturning the election in another fact-free, unhinged statement about January 6. Pence may imagine himself someday inheriting Trumpism, with all of its bigotry, economic elitism, and reactionary policies, without the Malignant Loser hovering over him. It's more likely the rabid MAGA morons will start building those gallows for him again.

(photo: NBC News)


bt1138 said...

It's funny that Trump so thoroughly colonized the Christian Right. They worship as a savior.

The irony in that is that those were supposed to be the people that Mike Pence would lead and would be the base for HIS future political endeavors.

Trump really screwed Pence in so many ways. He has seen Trump up close, I imagine that he despises him.

Hackwhackers said...

bt1138-- Pence had always been the Christian Right's dream candidate until their Orange Calf came along. He was added to the 2016 ticket because of that, the reasoning being that Trump needed a Christian Rightist to compensate for his obvious moral failings. Look where that got Pence, indeed.