Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Trucker Thuggery


The trucker convoys that have paralyzed business and daily life in Canada and on the border with the U.S. continued today ostensibly over vaccine mandates for cross-border truck traffic. Beginning last month as a convoy to Ottawa to protest the mandates, the stunt has grown into an international right-wing cause célèbre that some want to use to bring down the Canadian government. From NPR:

"The so-called 'Freedom Convoy' began last month as a caravan of truck drivers who planned to drive to Ottawa to voice their opposition to a government mandate that required them to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to cross the U.S.-Canadian border.

That's despite the fact that the Canadian Trucking Alliance says the 'vast majority' of the country's trucking industry is vaccinated.

But the narrow focus of the protest quickly grew as more people joined the demonstration to voice their own grievances against Canada's government.

Some protesters say they're staying until all public health mandates are lifted, while others have called for the dissolution of the current government, as NPR's Emma Jacobs reported." 

In addition, signs for QAnon, right-wing militias and Confederate and Nazi flags have also appeared among the protesters, Jacobs said.(our emphasis)

Remember that the vaccines are intended to keep these thuggish covidiots from serious respiratory distress and death. But, you know, freedumb! There have been some arrests and confiscation of fuel that the truck thugs were stockpiling. Perhaps a dozen or more heavy tow trucks dragging them into an impoundment area until they pay fines for blocking traffic and commerce would be in order.  Or, turn the vaccinated truckers that are caught up in this mess loose on the thugs.

Watch for similar protests in the U.S., with the backing of the usual fascists, as a weapon of sedition to harass state and Federal officials, and to disrupt the economy that's starting to pick up real steam, since that would be bad for their right-wing cause. 

(photo: Trucks blocking the Ambassador Bridge between Canada and the U.S. ABC News)

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