Until this morning's reporting in the New York Times, it was unclear as to the Malignant Loser's actual role in the plot to seize voting machines after his loss in the 2020 elections. The report indicates he was more directly involved than previously known:
"The new accounts show that Mr. Trump was more directly involved than previously known in exploring proposals to use his national security agencies to seize voting machines as he grasped unsuccessfully for evidence of fraud that would help him reverse his defeat in the 2020 election, according to people familiar with the episodes.
The existence of proposals to use at least three federal departments to assist Mr. Trump’s attempt to stay in power has been publicly known. The proposals involving the Defense Department and the Department of Homeland Security were codified by advisers in the form of draft executive orders.
But the new accounts provide fresh insight into how the former president considered and to some degree pushed the plans, which would have taken the United States into uncharted territory by using federal authority to seize control of the voting systems run by states on baseless grounds of widespread voting fraud." (our emphasis)
Trump tasked his corrupt but inept consigliere, Borat film star Rudy "Toot Toot" Giuliani with calling the Department of Homeland Security to determine whether they could seize the voting machines, and was told by them that they lacked the authority to do so. Previously, Trump had asked his loyal Attorney General Bill "Low" Barr to seize the machines, which Barr flatly refused to do, seeing the Trump ship sinking.
The report identifies two key players in the plot to seize voting machines were the unhinged lowIQAnon follower, the disgraced Russian stooge Michael Flynn and a former National Security Agency colleague of his Phil Waldron, who authored an infamous PowerPoint presentation detailing ways for the Malignant Loser to overturn the free and fair election. They teamed with lunatic 'lawyer" Sidney "Kraken" Powell to pitch the idea of using the military to overturn the election, a scheme that went too far even for Trumpists like Giuliani. Stay tuned.
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