Sunday, February 6, 2022

Trump's Lawless, Race-Bating Message


When the mentally unstable Malignant Loser ranted last weekend in Texas about the multiple cases being brought against him, he made sure his overwhelmingly white audience got their grievance buttons pushed (with some heavy projection on his part), as the Associated Press reports:

"Looking out at a sea of faces at a Texas fairground, most of them white, former President Donald Trump seethed about his legal troubles and blamed them on malicious prosecutors.

'These prosecutors are vicious, horrible people. They’re racists and they’re very sick, they’re mentally sick,' Trump said, before warning his audience: 'In reality. They’re not after me, they’re after you.'

He repeated his charge of racism, but skipped over an obvious detail: Those prosecutors are Black."

He didn't have to explicitly say the prosecutors he was referring to (NY State AG Letitia James, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, and Fulton Co. Georgia DA Fani Willis) are black, and two are women which must offend him to no end. His cult takes note of every action against him, so they got the message: the blacks are out to get me, and their cases are political. 

That Trump has a history of racism is a given: he and his father's redlining minorities out of their properties in the 1970s, his attack on the eventually exonerated Central Park Five in the 1980s, his role as the main "birther" questioning President Obama's birthplace, and his "very fine people on both sides" embrace of the neo-Nazi and KKK marchers in Charlottesville in 2017 are just a few examples.  

Some have noted Trump's racist dog whistles are becoming more like bullhorns to his white grievance audience. From the linked article:

"And critics say Trump’s rhetoric has escalated, perhaps because he recognizes that some among his base are receptive to more overt racism.

'It intensifies that discourse and makes it explicitly racial,' said Casey Kelly, a communications professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who for years has pored over transcripts of Trump’s speeches.

At a recent rally in Arizona, he said -- falsely -- that white people in New York were being sent to the back of line for antiviral treatments.

And now Trump is using the investigations against him — and the prosecutors behind them — as 'evidence of a larger systemic pattern that white people don’t have a place in the future of America and he’s the only one that can fight on their behalf,' Kelly said."  (our emphasis)

As attacks on black colleges and individuals continue, especially during Black History Month, the Malignant Loser is giving license to his cult members to engage in acts of revenge and violence against his -- and his cultists' -- imagined persecutors. He may not be giving them explicit directions, but he's laying the groundwork.

BONUSGood, complementary read by Cleve Wootson --



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