Monday, February 21, 2022

Trump's New Sedition-Spreader


After being booted off Twitter, Facebook and YouTube last year for spreading the "Big Lie" about the 2020 elections and for supporting the January 6 violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, the Malignant Loser decided to create his own social media platform. The app, named in Orwellian fashion "Truth Social," was offered for download today to a limited number of subscribers via the Apple App Store (and shame on rotten Apple for that). This is from the pathological lying sociopath that told over 30 thousand lies during four years in office.

As with all of the Malignant Loser's grifts, it's all about him:

"Trump is hoping Truth Social will attract the millions who followed him on Twitter as he hints at a third presidential run, triggering a wave of other subscribers to justify the billions of dollars that investors have bet on the venture. Shares in a company that plans to buy Trump Media and Technology Group, the parent of Truth Social, have soared in recent months."

Also, as with the Malignant Loser's many grifts, those "billions of dollars that investors have bet on the venture," most is likely to end up in his pocket and not in the "venture." That's if it doesn't first nose dive in value like the sketchy financial scam that was funding it.

(image: Chris Delmas / AFP / Getty Images)

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