Sunday, February 13, 2022

Tweets Of The Day

Fifth column --


Reality check --


Not surprisingly, don't know much about history --



Republicans in disarray --



The ever- shifting standards of Republican- wired "journalism," New York Effing Times edition --







  1. If you watch the local news in these here parts you would think 95% of parents are anti school mask. Guess I understand why the knuckle dragging morons get all the attention, but drives me nuts. Omicron got into our bubble this weekend. Believe probably from HS teacher daughter. Her three y.o. twins are unvaxxed (of course) but fine so far. Three of four adults are sick with very minor symptoms. All of us are thankfully double vaxxed and boosted.

  2. Mart -- unfortunately, a lot of local media is shit. For example,185 stations are either owned or otherwise controlled by Sinclair Broadcast Group, which runs aggressive right- wing soft (and sometimes direct) Republican propaganda on its affiliates. The local Sinclair station here has been on a "Crisis in the Classroom" kick since last summer, dovetailing its efforts with those of Trump-in-a-fleece vest Glenn Youngkin. Then there are the local Fox affiliates...
