Friday, March 4, 2022

QOTD: Cruz Nailed For Earlier Praise Of Russian Troops

"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) typified the trend last year when he linked to a TikTok video showing a muscular Russian soldier doing pushups, parachuting out of an airplane, and using a rifle. Cruz contrasted this Kremlin propaganda unfavorably with a U.S. Army recruiting video featuring a female corporal who was raised by two mothers. 'Holy crap,' Cruz tweeted: 'Perhaps a woke, emasculated military is not the best idea…' He went on to blame 'Dem politicians & woke media' for trying to turn U.S. troops 'into pansies.'

Well, how do you like the Russian military now, Sen. Cruz? The Internet is full of videos showing Russian troops running out of fuel and food in Ukraine, weeping after surrendering, and complaining that they are being used as 'cannon fodder.' There are reports of Russian soldiers sabotaging their own vehicles rather than fight in a war they want no part of. The Russians are even leaving their dead on the battlefield — a shocking thing to see for U.S. soldiers, whose creed contains the line, 'I will never leave a fallen comrade.”  (our emphasis) -- conservative WaPo opinion columnist Max Boot in his latest op-ed.

Cruz, who never served one second in the uniform of the U.S. or his country of birth, Canada, likes to project a tough, manly persona, even when it means disrespecting our servicemen and servicewomen. That he was a coward for supporting the Malignant Loser after he smeared his wife and father is the best insight into the hollow fraud that is "Cancun Ted" Cruz.

(photo: Cruz on his great Cancun misadventure. Reuters)

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