"Even if they don’t subscribe to the more outlandish conspiracies
propagated by Trumpists, many Republicans agree that the Democratic
party is a fundamentally illegitimate political faction – and that any
election outcome that would lead to Democratic governance must be
rejected as illegitimate as well. Republicans didn’t start from an
assessment of how the 2020 election went down and come away from that
exercise with sincerely held doubts. The rationalization worked
backwards: They looked at the outcome and decided it must not stand. In
other words, accusations of fraud gain plausibility among conservatives
not because of empirical evidence, but because they adhere to the 'higher truth' of who is and who is not legitimately representing – and
therefore entitled to rule – 'real' America. " -- Thomas Zimmer in The Guardian, on the roots of why the seditionist Republican/ Christofascist party doesn't accept President Biden's -- or any Democrat's -- legitimacy in office. (It's the attitude you see playing out this week in the Brown Jackson hearings, where racist, culture war Republicans are whining about how various awful Republican SCOTUS nominees were treated over the last 40 years while doing their worst to smear an honorable, historic nominee.)
We've said it before: there's no compromising with or accommodating these "real Americans", who reject the norms and the very foundation of American democracy. To them, "We the People" reads "We the White, Privileged People." They have to be stopped at every opportunity.
This is Fascism. No filter. No other way to describe it. It's an ardent belief by conservatives they are the Herrenvolk and as they are being denied their rights; everything to reclaim them becomes viable and acceptable.
ReplyDeleteGene -- exactly so.