Tuesday, March 1, 2022

QOTD II: Strangling Democracy Here


"When Republicans in Texas passed measures last year to make their already rigid election laws even stricter, they claimed their changes would improve “election integrity.” In reality, they were an obvious attempt to subvert mail-in voting and other procedures that made in-person voting easier.

"Now, the seeds of voter suppression, which have been planted by Republican-led state legislatures across the nation, are bearing fruit. In the past few days, thousands of absentee voters in Texas have learned that their ballots have been rejected due to their state’s new voter ID requirements. Now, they must scramble to make sure their vote will be counted in their state’s primary elections, which take place Tuesday. Many will surely be disenfranchised." -- the Washington Post editorial board, with a  reminder that, while our attention is rightly distracted by events in Ukraine, our own Fifth Column/ Putin's Party is hard at work trying to cement permanent fascist governance in as many states as they can.  There's a reason an affinity exists between thug Putin and the rotted out Republican/ Putin Party in the U.S. -- strangling democracy is their common guiding principle.

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