Wednesday, March 30, 2022

QOTD -- "Journalistic Malpractice"


"From mid-December 2018 through early March 2020, Mick Mulvaney, a former member of Congress from South Carolina, served as President Trump’s acting chief of staff.

"On Mulvaney’s watch, the White House took a wrecking ball to checks and balances by vowing to defy all congressional subpoenas.

"On Mulvaney’s watch, the Trump administration launched an unconstitutional attack against the process to conduct a fair census.

"On Mulvaney’s watch, at least 25 administration officials received security clearances that should not have been granted based on the recommendations of intelligence officials.

"On Mulvaney’s watch, Trump ignored numerous warnings from health experts about the severity of the coronavirus. More than 970,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 since the pandemic began.

"And yet, in spite of this record, CBS News made the decision to reward Mulvaney with a gig as a paid contributor. I’d expect this move from a Trump-aligned propaganda medium like Fox News. But from CBS News? Give me a break.  [snip]

"... Let’s be clear: Democracy doesn’t die in darkness, it dies because of stuff like this." -- Kurt Bardella, advisor to the DCCC and former Republican House staffer, in a Los Angeles Times op/ ed yesterday, on CBS News giving discredited former Trumper Mulvaney a paid contributor gig.  The on- going memory- holing of the Trump years continues in our broken media.

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