Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Hapless J.D. Vance Labels Trump "America's Hitler"


Having just received the somewhat unexpected "COMPLETE and TOTAL ENDORSEMENT" of the all-caps addicted, unhinged Malignant Loser in his race for the Ohio Senate, candidate J.D. Vance may find that endorsement pulled, like the Mo "Mel" Brooks one, after Vance's 2016 message surfaced suggesting that the Malignant Loser might be "America's Hitler," and blaming the Republican Party for his rise:

Very discouraging, J.D., but now you're on his team, clown. Notice, too, both the disdain for "lower education white people" and the grudging comment about needing to appeal to "working class black people."

Vance is just one of the Malignant Loser's head scratching endorsements, like snake oil peddling TV doctor Mehmet "Land of" Oz in Pennsylvania, who lives in New Jersey but used his in-laws Pennsylvania address to file for his candidacy, and who continues to run a flat-footed, tone deaf campaign for Senate. We imagine Vance will be hustling down soon to Merdo O'Lardo with some kneepads to beg for the Malignant Loser's forgiveness for this blast from the past. It's not wise to displease Dear Leader.


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