Monday, April 18, 2022

Hatemonger Alex Jones Files For Bankruptcy


Alex Jones, the hate and conspiracy spewing propagandist founder of "Infowars" declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy yesterday, according to news reports.  Jones was successfully sued by the families of the children that were massacred at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012 after he viciously claimed that the massacre was a hoax, abetted by gun control advocates and the media. In March, Sandy Hook families rejected Jones' cynical offer of $120,000 per 13 plaintiffs

Chapter 11 bankruptcy provisions allow Jones to continue to operate while preparing plans to "turnaround" his vile broadcasting business. Civil suits would be on hold until those plans are completed. We hope that if there are any circumstances weighing against approving Jones' bankruptcy filing that the U.S. Bankruptcy Court deny his Chapter 11 filing. It's unacceptable that his evil voice continue to be heard and for him to profit from it.

(photo: screenshot on Infowars)

1 comment:

  1. Look for Jones to shop around for the best state to have residence in before declaring bankruptcy. Some states are more generous than others on what creditors can't take and rules may be written in such a way to create loopholes.

    The state of Florida is often cited. Last time I asked, better than a decade now, it was accepted that certain items were protected:

    A primary residence
    A vehicle
    Any tools used in your trade or profession

    A professor I had moved to Florida and, to get out from under a nasty divorce, declared bankruptcy. He always wanted to have a very expensive first edition of a famous author. So he bought for most of a million dollars before declaring and, it being a book, wasn't touched. After the legal crisis he sold the book at a profit. His ex objected but could do nothing.

    Which brings up Jones. No dollar limit is set on any of those protected categories. So look for him to buy a very expensive home, and an expensive car. He could easily spend, assuming he has the money, $100,000,000 on a house and $600,000 on a car. None of these can be touched.

