Thursday, April 7, 2022

He Can't Shut Up, To His Lawyers' Chagrin

The Malignant Loser -- his attorney's worst nightmare --  continues to blabber about his attempted coup on January 6, this time to the Washington Post in an interview at his Merde O'Lardo fake palace in Florida. Acting like a mob boss who thinks he's beyond the law because he's made big payoffs, he admitted that he wanted to join his mob's attack on the Capitol, but the Secret Service wouldn't let him. Some excerpts:

"The 45th president has repeatedly deflected blame for stoking the attack with false claims that the 2020 election was stolen, and in the interview, he struck a defiant posture, refusing to say whether he would testify before a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 assault. Trump said he didn’t remember 'getting very many' phone calls that day, and he denied removing call logs or using burner phones."  (our emphasis)

Of course, he falls back on the "I don't remember" dodge that his lawyers have drilled into him over time. Remember that his lawyers blocked a sit-down interview with Robert Mueller's team fearing that he'd lie or incriminate himself in the first few minutes. 

Unpacking the lies and evasions he's launched into in defense of his indefensible Big Lie and the ensuing efforts to overthrow the results of the election is pointless. He won't cease, because of the damage to his narcissistic core it would cause, not to mention the legal liability it would bring with it:

"Trump, speaking Wednesday afternoon at his palatial beachfront club, said he did not regret urging the crowd to come to Washington with a tweet stating that it would 'be wild!' He also stood by his incendiary and false rhetoric about the election at the Ellipse rally before the rioters stormed the Capitol. 'I said peaceful and patriotic,' he said, omitting other comments that he made in a speech that day."  (our emphasis)

Later in the interview, he continues to portray himself as the "king of endorsements," for both domestic MAGA loons and foreign right-wingers, like Hungary's Putin pal Viktor Orban:

"Trump appeared preoccupied with the notion that his grip on the GOP is not as strong as it once was, beginning the interview with a long riff about how popular he was within the GOP. Unprompted, he decried news coverage that indicated otherwise and crowed about how many people wanted his endorsement, while vowing to stop the Republicans who favored impeaching him."

On and on in his "through the looking glass" style that has kept his cult in line and his imitators ratcheting up the delusional.

BONUS:  Greg Sargent weighs in on why this interview should "boost pressure on Garland" for action.

(photo: Keep talking, genius)

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