Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Keeping Up With The Crazy Pillow Guy

We're glad that Daily Kos' self-described "unofficial Pillow Man beat reporter" Aldous J. Pennyfarthing covers the mustachioed moron Mike Lindell so we don't have to. His latest column covers the latest loony exploits of Lindell, but it's Pennyfarthing's asides and quips in the column that deserve highlighting:

On Lindell's spending $35 million on spreading the Big Lie and claiming again that he has new EVIDENCE!!:

"I can tell I’ve been shirking my Pillow Man duties, because I have no clue what evidence he’s talking about. I’d check, but trying to make sense of Lindell’s 'evidence' is like poring over the raw transcript of Randy Quaid farting into Google Translate for two hours. 

Seriously, though—$35 million? Imagine if he’d spent that money on something more useful—like, say, a 75-cent newspaper that could have alerted him to Georgia’s hand recount of every last ballot cast in the state in 2020."

On Lindell's claim that if Trump fails to be "restored," it will be the end of times:

"Okay then! So do we have to wait for the Hale-Bopp comet to swing back around, or is it gonna be one of those Kirk Cameron-style raptures? And when the rapture does come, will Lindell be giving mustache rides to heaven, or is that reserved for his FrankSpeech premium members?"

On Lindell's sick, false claim that Colorado has legalized infanticide:

"I don’t presume to understand Lindell’s thought process, but I can only assume his brain does a hard reboot every time a MyPillow intern microwaves a Hot Pocket. Who told him this? Jesus? If so, he should look for at least two more independent sources, and neither one can be an absinthe fairy."

There's more, so check out the entire article.

(photo: Lindell and his cult leader in happier times -- for them. White House photo)


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