Wednesday, April 27, 2022

QOTD -- Dry Run


"The last presidential election was a dry run for the next.
"From long before Election Day 2020, Trump and Republicans planned to overturn the presidential election by exploiting the Electors and Elections Clauses of the Constitution, the Electoral College, the Electoral Count Act of 1877, and the 12th Amendment, if Trump lost the popular and Electoral College vote.
"The cornerstone of the plan was to have the Supreme Court embrace the little known 'independent state legislature' doctrine, which, in turn, would pave the way for exploitation of the Electoral College process and the Electoral Count Act, and finally for Vice President Mike Pence to reject enough swing state electoral votes to overturn the election using Pence's ceremonial power under the 12th Amendment and award the presidency to Donald Trump." -- former 4th Circuit Court of Appeals judge J. Michael Luttig, on the on-going Republican plan to use lessons learned from the 2020 election coup attempt to install a Republican President in 2024, regardless of the popular will.  This is a brief snippet of Luttig's article, which lays out in detail the Republicans' multi-step plan to overturn future elections, starting with employing the independent state legislature doctrine, in concert with abusing Congressional powers to reject State electoral votes.  It's a must read.

What makes this especially noteworthy is that Luttig is a staunch conservative (appointed to the Federal bench by George H.W. Bush) who was a "mentor" to oleaginous creep Sen. "Cancun Ted" Cruz (Sedition-TX).  It seems whatever lessons in constitutional order that Luttig may have communicated slid right off the back of "rule of lawless" Cancun Ted.

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