Monday, April 4, 2022

QOTD: Putin "Insane" Over Ukrainians' Hostility


Former Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, once the wealthiest oligarch in Russia and now a dissident living abroad, speaking on CNN about Russian war criminal Vladimir Putin's reaction to not being met with flowers and parades by Ukrainians:

"For [Putin] the situation today is very complicated. At first what he wanted was to change the power in Kyiv, put in his puppet and was expecting that this would be met with flowers thrown in the streets by Ukrainian people. When this did not happen he went crazy. The fact that the people in Kharkiv did not meet him with flowers, it not only just angered him, I really think it drove him literally insane."  (our emphasis)

Putin's dreams about a Russian empire stretching from the Oder River to the Pacific Ocean and beyond make him delusional; the thought that other nations would welcome brutal Russian invaders with open arms makes him further unhinged from reality. Are his military and security apparatus noticing?


  1. Thank goodness Putin responded so rationally to the disappointment. There's nothing like shooting people in the head, gang-raping them, and blasting their cities into wreckage to make them feel welcoming and warm-hearted toward you.

  2. Infidel -- So much for his notion of integrating the fellow Slavic people of Ukraine into his Russian empire. He's created a festering sore of 44 million people on his border who despise him and Russia.
