"Welcome to the airport! We’ve got some great news: you no longer need to
wear a mask on your flight. Why? Because we’re not scared anymore. Now
take off your shoes and put them in this tray so we can check if there’s
a bomb in your socks.
"That’s right: even though COVID is still dangerous and highly transmissible, we’re just not that worried about it anymore. We’re relaxed. Whatever will be, will be! Now walk through this full-body X-ray machine so we can make sure you didn’t swallow a grenade before you got here.
"Two hundred strangers in a small tube in the sky, and any of them could be carrying a new variant of a deadly virus we still don’t fully understand? Who cares! A bottle of shampoo larger than 3.4 ounces? Put your hands in the air and don’t fucking move. That bottle could be carrying anthrax, or worse: expired shampoo..." -- Eli Grober, at the humor website McSweeney's, on the recent decision by Trump- appointed (for life!) "not qualified" Federal judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle regarding mask mandates on airplanes and other mass transit, which the DOJ is appealing (mostly to maintain the CDC's authority in future pandemics).
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