Text messages between right-wing Trumpists Sen. Mike Lee (Sedition-UT) and Rep. Chip "Cow Chip" Roy (Insurrection-TX) and former White House Chief of Staff and election fraudster Mark Meadows in the two months after the November 2020 election reveal the desperation of the Trumpists to void the election after the Malignant Loser lost. Lee and Roy started as willing participants in the bogus and ironically named "stop the steal" movement, with Lee actually facilitating nutjob Sidney Powell's access to the Malignant Loser, only to realize she was unhinged:
"Over a few days in November, Lee lobbied Meadows to get attorney Sidney Powell access to Trump.
'Sydney [sic] Powell is saying that she needs to get in to see the president, but she's being kept away from him,' Lee wrote to Meadows on November 7. 'Apparently she has a strategy to keep things alive and put several states back in play. Can you help get her in?'
Lee then sent Meadows Powell's cell number and her email.
On November 9, Lee again pressed Meadows about Powell, calling her a 'straight shooter.'
That same day, Roy warned Meadows about Trump's approach, texting him, 'We must urge the President to tone down the rhetoric, and approach the legal challenge firmly, intelligently and effectively without resorting to throwing wild desperate haymakers or whipping his base into a conspiracy frenzy.'
Then came the now-infamous news conference on November 19, where members of Trump's legal team -- including Powell, Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis -- laid out a series of false claims and conspiracy theories about alleged voter fraud.
The messages started to take on a more critical tone." (our emphasis)
That Powell was initially kept away from the Malignant Loser signifies someone (Javanka? Meadows himself?) saw her as a certifiable loon. That Sen. Lee kept pressing Meadows reflects on his abysmal, politically disqualifying judgement. Both Lee and Roy backed away from the ensuing Rudy / Sidney shit show after the duo started claiming Venezuela and George Soros (an anti-Semitic trope if there ever was one) were in league to steal the election. But then they both joined in boosting another flaky right wing zealot, coup designer John Eastman:
"By late November, Lee had shifted away from Powell and started promoting right-wing lawyer John Eastman, who a federal judge in California said last month may have been planning a crime with Trump as they sought to disrupt the January 6 congressional certification of the presidential election, calling it 'a coup in search of a legal theory.'
Privately Roy was also texting Meadows with support for Eastman, and criticizing Giuliani.
'Have you talked to John Eastman?' Roy texted on November 22. 'Get Eastman to file in front of pa board of elections...
'Get data in front of public domain.'
'Frigging rudy needs to hush.'" (our emphasis)
Fortunately for late night TV hosts and Dems, frigging Rudy kept on with his seditious babbling, hair dye melting and farting in public hearings. Eastman appears to be in a criminal bind (along with the Malignant Loser). Lee and Roy may escape unscathed, but their active roles in the "stop the steal" sedition will stick to them.
(photo: Roy, left, and Lee)
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