Friday, April 22, 2022

Tweets Of The Day


How about some smashmouth politics for a change, Dems? --



The broken, Republican-wired media and Qevin McCarthy --



Trump's "partner," war criminal Putin did this --


Meanwhile, we like these odds (combined with Javelins and 155mm howitzers being delivered) --



Voter fraud!1!  Stop the steal!1! --



Great Potoo and TGIF to you, too! --




  1. 3 thoughts: re AG Garland, I want to believe he wants to make SURE ALL the i's are dotted, t's are crossed. I need to believe this !!
    2nd: Voter / registration fraud. How many have been "uncovered" as repukes.
    3rd: Liar Mccarthy. Comments un-necessary, right ?!?
    LOVED THE Potoo !!! Want one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. 1) Us, too.
    2)"All of them, Katie."
    3) Right!

  3. The Corporate Media ignores McCarthy, Mark Meadows, the Jan6th convictions and multifaceted Trump family criminal enterprise to focus on But her Emails & But his Laptop because they want a Trumpisn Return to DC.
