Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Mid-Week Song


Ukrainian rock band Antytila (Антитіла) has partnered with British star Ed Sheeran in a remake of his song "2step", and the result is a beautiful, poignant and moving video, interspersed with images of the destruction caused by Putin's invaders. Here's some of the background from the video's write up:

"Ed Sheeran and Ukrainian pop-rock band Antytila have presented a joint song — a remake of the track 2Step from the latest album of the British artist, in which Taras Topolia sings in Ukrainian. Band’s Youtube channel released an official music video. Impressive wartime footage and touching personal story of Taras Topolia — all embodied in the video.

Ed's suggestion to work together is a manifestation of the genuine support for Ukraine, shown by the people of Great Britain during this war. Millions of people, not only in words but in concrete deeds, show how it really is to stand up for their principles, democracy and freedom and to give a hand to those, who really need it. It seems like just a joint song, but how symbolic it is in fact. [snip]

All funds raised from Youtube video monetization and royalties will be forwarded to Music Saves UA, a project by the Ukrainian Association of the Music Events"



  1. Can anyone identify the young male dancer in the video? The fluidity of his movement is breath-taking.

  2. Gene- According to the Washington Post, the dancer is 13 year old Ukrainian dancer Olexii Sokolov.
