Saturday, May 28, 2022

QOTD -- Full Of Shit


"Shortly after the massacre, Governor Greg Abbott first addressed the shooting at a news conference. In a state that had seen five other mass shootings in his tenure, four of which involved similar assault-style rifles, Abbott said—with passionless delivery—that the killer acted 'incomprehensibly.' Without any specifics whatsoever, he pledged the state would 'do everything that is necessary' to prevent a seventh bloodbath. Then, he stopped by a fundraiser five hours away. [snip]

"On Friday, Abbott was scheduled to speak at the National Rifle Association’s convention in Houston. Under intense pressure, he changed gears, deciding to stay in Uvalde rather than attend. But he didn’t condemn the convention or call for its cancellation. No, instead he announced he’d send pre-recorded video remarks for the gathering, a congregation of those politically committed to the prospect of more Uvaldes, to enjoy.

"It’s classic Abbott. With nothing meaningful left to say, and no policy agenda to address the crises Texans face, he puts his finger to the wind and shifts slightly when it blows too hard, backtracking when it dies down. After all, it wasn’t moral courage or bettering ordinary Texans’ lives that got him this far, so why change now?
" -- Gus Bova, writing "Greg Abbott Is Full Of Shit," in the Texas Observer, a plainly true observation that nonetheless merits constant repetition.  His first remarks on the Uvalde massacre, in which he solely blamed mental illness for the tragedy and praised law enforcement for their "quick response," richly deserve the derision they're receiving.  Yet, the odds are that a critical mass of Texas sub- morons will re- elect him this fall.  

Texans won't be having nice things anytime soon.

BONUS:  More reporting on Abbott's response to the Uvalde massacre here.

1 comment:

  1. On the plus side Abbot being in that chair means he can't do the Trump jerk off dance...
