Tuesday, May 17, 2022

QOTD: "White Supremacy Is A Poison"

President Biden today in Buffalo, NY, meeting with victims' families after last weekend's massacre of 10 black shoppers by a vicious, well armed white supremacist who espoused the racist "great replacement theory", spoke of the hate represented by it:

"A hate that through the media and politics, the internet, has radicalized angry, alienated, lost and isolated individuals into falsely believing that they will be replaced. That's the word, replaced by the other, by people who don't look like them. And who are, therefore, in a perverse ideology that they possess and being fed, lesser beings. ... I call on all Americans to reject the lie, and I condemn those who spread the lie for power, political gain and for profit.  [snip] 

"We've seen the mass shootings in Charleston, South Carolina; El Paso, Texas; in Pittsburgh, last year in Atlanta, this week in Dallas, Texas, and now in Buffalo. In Buffalo, New York. White supremacy is a poison. It's a poison — it really is — running through our body politic. And it's been allowed to fester and grow right in front of our eyes. No more. I mean, no more. We need to say as clearly and forcefully as we can that the ideology of White supremacy has no place in America."

"For power, political gain, and for profit." We believe you can count on the greatest purveyors of the "replacement theory" venom -- Fox's Tucker "Mothertucker" Carlson and Laura Ingraham -- to avoid the subject for a while, only to pick it up again when America's attention is elsewhere. As was noted earlier today, Fox head Rupert Murdock and his son Lachlan have the ability to pull the plug on this infamy, and they won't because it pads their profits and advances their racist, reactionary agenda.

(photo: The Bidens approach a makeshift memorial for the Buffalo victims. Andrew Harnik / AP)

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