Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Giuliani Spawn Loses Race For Nomination

Amid all the primary news yesterday, it's again worth reveling in the news that Andrew Giuliani -- the unfortunate chip-off-the-old cow chip, seditionist Rudy "Toot Toot" Giuliani who wanted to win the Republican nomination for Governor of New York -- lost his primary bid yesterday. The horse-toothed former Trump staffer had hoped to step out of his infamous, deranged  father's diminishing shadow and not rely on nepotism for a job. Sadly for junior, right-wing Trumpist Rep. Lee Zeldin knocked him off bigly with a 20-point margin.

Giuliani had a rogues gallery of right-wing local supporters, including felon and daddy's sidekick Bernie Kerik, and pseudo lawman and failed Mayoral candidate Guardian "Angel" Curtis Silwa, but was unable to win support from the Republican establishment in New York State. We suspect they've been watching his daddy's corrupt, felonious and seditious activities over the past few years and decided they didn't need a younger generation of the same thing. In addition to his vicious, but bungling, campaign style, Giuliani has some personal flaws that probably turned most voters off. Check out this tweet from last year from a fellow Duke alumni for a hint:

Finally, our wishes for a speedy recovery for daddy Rudy, who was brutally assaulted and nearly killed last week by a grocery worker who patted him on the shoulder. Milk it for all it's worth, Mr. Slip and Fall! 

BONUS: Rudy steps on his schwanz, attacking Cassidy Hutchinson while acknowledging he asked for a pardon from Trump. Keen mind! 

(photo: The wind must have shifted. Jeenah Moon / New York Times)

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