Yesterday, former Fux "News" political director Chris Stirewalt gave the January 6 House Select Committee some direct answers to committee member Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), delivered with a punch. From NPR:
"'After November 7th, how likely was it for then-President Donald Trump to pull out a surprise victory?'
'You're better off to play the Powerball,' was the answer."
Stirewalt, who took obvious pride in his election returns analytical operation, was fired by Fux for disloyalty to the Malignant Loser's Big Lie agenda. As NPR reports, it was Stirewalt's early call that Arizona had gone to candidate Biden that angered the Malignant Loser, and his many fans at the network and beyond:
"'We don't award any electoral votes. We don't count any ballots. We are some nerds in a room, and that's it,' Stirewalt said in the interview. 'We're just telling you what's going to happen. We're not making anything happen.'
'They confused the television show with the real thing.'
"And it showed to me how much television — the perceptions of events, of television as entertainment, news as entertainment and treating it like a sport - had really damaged the capacity of Americans to be good citizens in a republic because they confused the TV show with the real thing.'" (our emphasis)
As the data being reported conflicted with the propaganda that Fux's right-wing hosts had peddled that the Malignant Loser was going to win, panic set in. The executives at the network and Trumpists on the staff flinched when the Malignant Loser blasted them for reporting early, but factually. on the election results:
"'Part of the problem, of course, was that there were opinion hosts on Fox who, for months and months and months, had been repeating the baseless claim that Trump was going to win the election for sure,' Stirewalt said.
Stirewalt said he was iced from Fox's airwaves soon after his explanations of why Fox projected Arizona's election wins. Two months later, as Biden took office, Stirewalt was gone, along with roughly 15 colleagues."
As an elections analyst and number cruncher, Stirewalt and his 15 colleagues are better off not working for a propaganda organ that pushes right-wing fantasies over facts.
* Jon Stewart's memorable moniker for Fux News.
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