Wednesday, June 8, 2022

QOTD -- No Righteous Conclusion?


"Not everything was good about the media world of the 1970s. It was almost entirely White and male, barely open to other views or voices. This was long before the democratizing effect of the Internet, which has elevated the ideas of people of color, women and other marginalized groups.

"But it was a time when we had a news media that commanded the trust of the general public, a necessity in helping bring Nixon to justice. That, at least during his presidency, was never possible with Trump.

"As we remember Watergate, we ought to remember how very unlikely its righteous conclusion would be today.

"Richard M. Nixon’s presidency would have survived." -- Margaret Sullivan in the Washington Post, on why the upcoming January 6 hearings on the Capitol insurrection will not have the same impact as the Watergate hearings, due to a radically altered media environment that is more fractured and less trusted.  Many observers have pointed out the fact that Fox "News" was the first national Republican propaganda organ that was created to make sure another Republican president's righteous defenestration wouldn't occur again;  many others have followed on multiple platforms that were not even conceived of in the 1970's.  It's why the Malignant Loser survived an unprecedented two impeachments, and may survive a righteous conclusion for conspiring in and leading the first coup attempt in American history. 


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