Monday, June 13, 2022

QOTD -- Stop The Politicizing!


"We politicize every kind of tragedy these days, and it disgusts me. Take, for instance, this latest terrible thing that just happened. It’s awful—incomprehensible, even! But why do we need to bring politics into it? Because it’s the only way to make sweeping, long-term change? Despicable! Stop politicizing this thing that can only be solved through politics.

"Why can’t we just let a bad thing happen instead of 'trying to solve it'? Can’t we simply witness the worst thing imaginable occur, and then take a step back and… not do anything? Everyone’s always trying to 'pass laws' and 'organize' to prevent unbearable tragedy—but that’s all political stuff, and I can’t stand anything with the word 'politic' inside of it. So please, stop politicizing horrendous tragedies that can only be fixed if we politicize them." -- satirist Eli Grober in McSweeney's.  Of course, the first thing out of Republicans' mouths after "thoughts and prayers" is that Democrats are "politicizing" a gun massacre by pushing for gun safety laws.  We're still skeptical that the latest "bipartisan" agreement on a very modest gun safety bill will survive the sausage- making that is the legislative language process.  We'll soon find out.

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