Saturday, June 18, 2022

QOTD: Trump's "Death Sentence" For Pence


"The most important thing about these hearings is how incredibly damning the case is that the committee members are laying out. It is inescapable that crimes were committed. It is inescapable that the man in the Oval Office incited this violent insurrection against his own government.

And Donald Trump is directly responsible for all of this. I think we need to be very blunt about what happened. He was not just stirring up his insurrection to create chaos, he handed down a death sentence to Mike Pence. So I believe that nothing short of criminal indictments will be satisfactory enough.

We need to make sure that everybody involved in this is held accountable and that people like Donald certainly at least are never allowed to run for office again in this country."  -- Mary Trump, estranged niece of the Malignant Loser, today on MSNBC (our emphasis).

In his criminal and lawless effort to stay in the Oval Office (and therefore maintain his immunity from prosecution), the Malignant Loser committed serious crimes against not only the U.S. Constitution, but against everyone that was killed or injured as a result of the insurrection that he spawned. In his depraved way, he even threatened the life of his own Vice President for not joining his criminal conspiracy.

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