Saturday, July 16, 2022

Conservatives' Report: Biden Won, Trump Lost


A team of eight conservative Republican judges, lawyers, and politicians released a 72-page report this week on the 2020 elections, and determined there was absolutely no evidence of voter fraud or rigging by state and local officials. The team reviewed dozens of lawsuits filed by the Malignant Loser claiming election fraud. Their conclusion was an obvious one, but one that millions of his cult members won't accept:

"Our conclusion is unequivocal: Joe Biden was the choice of a majority of the Electors, who themselves were the choice of the majority of voters in their states. [snip]

There is absolutely no evidence of fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election on the magnitude necessary to shift the result in any state, let alone the nation as a whole. In fact, there was no fraud that changed the outcome in even a single precinct. It is wrong, and bad for our country, for people to propagate baseless claims that President Biden's election was not legitimate." (our emphasis)

The team consisted of two former Senators, John Danforth and Gordon Smith; judges Michael Luttig, Thomas B. Griffith, and Michael McConnell; former Solicitor General Theodore Olson; and election lawyers Ben Ginsberg and David Hoppe.

If the report shames some of the Malignant Loser's cowardly political lackeys who know better, fine. But we're not expecting it to.


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