"... Boris Johnson’s demise is a massive victory for those in the UK who value the bedrock principles of democracy and parliamentary accountability. It is a long-overdue righting of Britain’s ship of state.
"All of which stands in stark contrast to what is going on in the United States these days. How is it that Conservative parliamentarians in the UK were able to dispatch a narcissistic, power-hungry leader in two days of internal bloodletting, while their GOP counterparts in the US are still, 18 months after the January 6 insurrection, in thrall to the violent, irrationalist Trump cult?" -- Sasha Abramsky, in The Nation, on one contrast between the parliamentary Conservative Party in the UK and the Christofascist Republican Party here, where there's apparently no accountability and no limit to the shameless depths that will be plumbed in the quest for political power.
I don't think Abramsky is being fair to our countries Republican leadership. They have promised to shut down the 1/6 investigation and have howling clowns investigate Hunter's laptop and his evil socialist father if they win the mid-terms. Republican swing state legislators have established rules that will not allow the votes in urban mostly black counties to be counted. Expect Trump's SCOTUS to turn vote counting rules upside down to assure no Democrat is ever elected President. There is not much more our conservatives could do to strengthen Democracy in this country, is there?