"It's kind of remarkable It's a huge comedown for Bannon. You know, we started this process last October, when he was hit with a subpoena, vowing to 'go medieval' on his enemies, that was his quote. He said he would make it a 'misdemeanor from hell' for the Biden administration. But he wound up not even taking the stand in his own defense today, and wound up with two guilty charges. So, I think it shows the bubble that he's been living in for the past six months, where you know, all the misinformation, all the kinds of things he has been propagating, I think he's sort of drank his own Kool-Aid in the end, and didn't understand, or didn't want to face the fact that he is in a court of law and that sort of thing isn't going to fly, and the judge made that clear, the jury made that clear." -- Bloomberg Business Week reporter Joshua Green, on MSNBC, describing fascist derelict impersonator Steve "Loose Cannon" Bannon's guilty verdict for two counts of criminal contempt of Congress. The unkempt, sinister propagandist for the Malignant Loser faces from 30 days to one year in prison on each count. He laughably threatened to "go medieval" before the trial, but didn't present witnesses or testify himself. He'll be sentenced in October, and has indicated he will appeal. Let's hope he gets the maximum on each count, given the gravity of the situation regarding the January 6 violent insurrection. Lock. Him. Up.
(photo: Kenny Holston / New York Times)
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