Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Reproductive Rights Assistance

(We'll be re-posting this information from time to time.)

Here are some links to posts regarding what women's options are in the post- Roe environment:

Ovarit offers tips to women seeking abortions in states passing restrictive laws (h/t Infidel 753).

Jezebel advises us to donate locally to support abortion access.

The National Network of Abortion Funds also provides links to local organizations.

Guttmacher Institute offers an overview of abortion laws in the states, as well as a legislation tracker.

Some of the information provided by the resources above may be duplicative, but better to have more information than too little.  This is very far from an exhaustive list, of course.  Your preferred search engines can also provide more targeted information, help and resources (as long as you can verify the source!).

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