Tuesday, August 9, 2022

QOTD -- Democrats In Array


"Wait, what? All of a sudden, Democrats are no longer in disarray. Instead, they’re marching in tight formation and achieving major goals. It’s such an unfamiliar sensation that it’s almost hard to recognize when it’s happening.

"Transformational legislation like the sweeping Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) wasn’t possible, according to the hive-mind narrative that many in Washington followed as recently as a few weeks ago. President Biden’s ambitious agenda was supposedly dead in the water. Squabbling Democrats would limp into the midterm elections, the only question how badly they would lose.

"Now, it’s a different story." -- Eugene Robinson in today's Washington Post, on the shifting political winds that the pundits and Beltway kool kidz continue to downplay.  Even before the IRA's passage in the Senate, Christofascist Republican overreach on abortion combined with revelations by the January 6 committee (and a slew of crackpot Republican candidates running in key elections) was beginning to move the needle in the Democrats' favor in the midterm elections.  Now, beyond the myriad reasons not to turn control of the legislative branch over to the Christofascists, Democrats have an historic, positive and popular legislative record to run on.

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