Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Dirty Dozen (Minus One)


Here are the 11 Republican Senators who voted against the "Honoring Our PACT Act," expanding health care for 3.5 million of America’s veterans who were exposed to toxic burn pits in the post 9/11-era:

Sen. Pat Toomey (PA) (retiring)

Sen. Rand Paul (KY) (up for re-election in 2022)

Sen. Mike Crapo (ID) (up for re-election in 2022)

Sen. Thom Tillis (NC) (up for re-election in 2026)

Sen. James Lankford (OK) (up for re-election in 2022)

Sen. Mike Lee (UT) (up for re-election in 2022)

Sen. Cynthia Lummis (WY) (up for re-election in 2026)

Sen. James Risch (ID) (up for re-election in 2026)

Sen. Mitt Romney (UT) (up for re-election in 2024)

Sen. Richard Shelby (AL) (retiring)

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (AL) (up for re-election in 2026)

The Act passed 86-11.  Three Senators (Cornyn, Leahy, and Merkley) missed the vote due to health issues.

BONUS:  Sprinter and mini-Trump wannabe Sen. Josh "Hawling Ass" Hawley (Sedition-MO), while he voted for the PACT Act after first blocking it, solidified his place in infamy by being the only Senator to vote against NATO membership for Sweden and Finland on Wednesday.  Fellow asshole Sen. Rand Paul voted "present."

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