Monday, August 1, 2022

Today's Tomorrow Cartoon: Backstories


(click to enlarge)

Millions of duped Americans elected someone who was an often-bankrupted, deadbeat real estate hustler and serial sexual predator, but was presented on a reality TV show as a business genius and "winner." So any backstory can work in these times.

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1 comment:

  1. I suppose it was inevitable that Republicans would find the complete antithesis of their so-called values, morals, and beliefs and prop him up as the Uber-Republican. A mobbed-up grifter, an out-of-shape, flabby New York dilettante, a sexual deviant and sleep around thrice married grotesquerie, who chickened out of military service, who inherited his wealth and position and never ran a successful business. Or to be more precise Trump is exactly whom the Republicans have always been.
