That's a screenshot from a video, "The Preamble to the Commitment to America," the Christofascist Republican Party's risible, empty "agenda" for 2023 and beyond. The problem?
House Republican leaders on Friday unveiled their “Commitment to America” agenda for 2023 ― and with it, an inspirational video full of scenes presented as exceptional imagery of America that were actually stock footage from Russia and Ukraine.
“We celebrate the rich heritage of the American story and the vibrancy of the American Dream,” the voice says, over footage of a drilling rig at sunrise.
But this video snippet, an apparent nod to America’s natural resources, wasn’t filmed in America. It’s stock footage created by Serg Grbanoff, a filmmaker based in Russia.
Grbanoff told HuffPost that he filmed this scene in Russia’s Volgograd region...
It's a hard habit to break, but the Republicans have to stop relying on Putin's Russia for everything from a Putin- approved candidate and election interference to stock propaganda footage.