Tuesday, November 15, 2022

QOTD -- The No Consequences Cult

"Belief in Donald Trump means never having to face the facts. If the MAGA movement wouldn’t accept defeat in an election Mr. Trump directly lost, head-to-head, in 2020, why would it accept defeat in this one secondhand? Has everyone forgotten the basic lessons of the nation’s unwilling but thorough immersion in the Trump psyche? From the Trumpian point of view, Mehmet Oz didn’t lose to John Fetterman in Pennsylvania because Mr. Trump has worn out his magic touch; Mr. Oz lost because he, personally, was not Donald Trump.

"The leader’s great promise to his followers has always been that he will liberate them from consequences. Turnout numbers and precinct returns, like real-estate bankruptcies, are nothing more than inconvenient opinions, to be overcome by force of bluster, or force of will."
-- Tom Scocca, New York Effing Times ($$) via Daily Kos, on the on-going alternate reality bubble in which the Malignant Loser's cult lives.  They'll be with us tomorrow and in 2024 and beyond.  It should go without saying that they need to be defeated in every way and at every opportunity.

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