"During the Trump presidency and into 2022, a lot of Republican candidates believed that what appeals to the Fox News audience would appeal to enough people in the entire electorate, districtwide or statewide, to win a race. The midterms showed how mistaken that is; [chaos/ coup caucus Rep. Lauren] Boebert hanging on to her seat by her fingernails suggests that the outlandish, in-your-face, larger-than-life social-media viral personas that attract Trump and perhaps the network’s bookers is just barely enough to get you to 50 percent in a Republican-leaning district." -- Jim Geraghty, Washington Post, writing about how the Republican "angertainment" style of governing led to diminishing returns in statewide and Congressional races in Colorado in the 2022 mid- terms. Geraghty describes Republican angertainment as "an approach to governing that mistakes 'owning the libs' for getting things done for constituents."
Look for two years of that with Republicans taking over the House in January. May they reap the same results as Republicans in Colorado.
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