Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Tweets Of The Day


Low- energy, dead moron walking --





Now, this is how you frame it (more, please) --




This, too --


What's that Musk-y smell?  Hardcore asshole issues ultimatum --


Artemis I liftoff --



  1. It's not easy to out-asshole Trump, but Musk is seriously working on it.

  2. Infidel -- they're both stable geniuses, too!

  3. Big fan of space telescopes and unmanned probes. Not sure what is the point (and how the cost/benefit analysis shakes out) of putting folks on the moon. Cool rocket though.

  4. Mart: This is true. We've explored almost the whole solar system with unmanned probes; there's very little that could be accomplished by sending humans to go over the same ground again. Manned space flight is dangerous, pointless, and extremely expensive.

    Putting men on the Moon in the 1960s was basically a national-prestige project, to one-up the USSR after their "firsts" such as Sputnik and Gagarin. Once that was accomplished, there was no further purpose to manned space flight.

    There used to be (and probably still is) a joke within NASA that the only reason the space shuttle exists is to supply the space station, and the only reason the space station exists is to give the space shuttle something to do. But they can't justify sending men to the Moon again that way. The amount of money wasted would just be too large.
