Sunday, December 18, 2022

New N. Korea Missile Launches

Today, in a dangerous and provocative move, North Korea launched two ballistic missiles with a range capable of hitting Japan. The regime of tyrant Kim Jong-Un has recently stepped up its ballistic missile testing, causing concern in Japan, as well as South Korea and the U.S.  Today's missile firings traveled roughly 310 miles and landed in the Sea of Japan:

"The two missiles traveled from the country’s northwest Tongchangri area about 500 kilometers (310 miles) at a maximum altitude of 550 kilometers (340 miles) before landing in the waters between the Korean Peninsula and Japan, according to the South Korean and Japanese governments.

South Korea’s military described both missiles as medium-range weapons that were launched at a steep angle, suggesting they could have traveled farther if fired at a standard trajectory." (our emphasis)

Just days ago, Japan announced that it will increase its defense budget and focus on weapons that reach beyond its shores. Since the end of WWII, Japan's constitution has prohibited it from developing offensive weapons that could be used to attack its neighbors. The North Korean firing was likely to send a message to Japan about its military buildup:

"On Friday, the Japanese government adopted a national security strategy that would allow it to carry out preemptive strikes and double its military spending to give itself more offensive footing against threats from neighboring China and North Korea. That was a major break from its strictly self-defense-only postwar principle. The Japanese strategy names China as 'the biggest strategic challenge' — before North Korea and Russia — to Japan’s efforts to ensure peace, safety and stability."

North Korea's also supplying Putin's regime with a significant amount of weapons and munitions as it wages its criminal war in Ukraine, including some missiles.

(image: AP)



  1. The North Korean firing was likely to send a message to Japan about its military buildup

    And just as Putin's threats merely convinced Finland and Sweden of the need to join NATO, so Kim's threats will merely further convince Japan that it needs to beef up its ability to defend itself -- and retaliate if it comes to that.

  2. Infidel -- it seems that living inside a bubble can have consequences.
