In the world of diplomacy, official consuls are normally assigned by their country to major cities of foreign countries to assist in obtaining visas and information on commercial, cultural and travel matters. In addition, historically many nations have citizens of other counties that serve as "honorary consuls" for them to promote cultural and commercial ties. But the war criminal regime of thug Vladimir Putin has a sinister twist on the honorary consul approach: they've enlisted loyal pro-Putin citizens in numerous countries to serve as "honorary consuls," basically expanding the range and influence of their propaganda and election interference capabilities. Propublica has a study on Russia's insidious infiltration, including in Montenegro, where Russia's "honorary consul" is a Montenegran Putinist named Boro Djukic:
"Under Putin, Russia has become an enthusiastic supporter of the largely unregulated system of international diplomacy, which for centuries has empowered private citizens in their home countries to serve as liaisons for foreign nations.
Experts say Russia is using honorary consuls as part of a strategy to move public opinion in the Kremlin’s favor and, over time, weaken pro-Western governments, particularly in European countries vulnerable to influence. In one high-profile case, intelligence officials tied two consuls in North Macedonia to an alleged Russian propaganda campaign to destabilize a stretch of southeastern Europe.
In Montenegro, Ljubomir Filipovic, a political scientist and former deputy mayor of Budva, said Djukic helped spread chaos and dysfunction in a country that has struggled to establish an identity since it became a sovereign nation in 2006.
'He went beyond what an ordinary honorary consul would do. He went even beyond what an official diplomat would do,' said Filipovic, who tracked Djukic’s activities as consul. 'The intention was to damage the social fabric of Montenegro — and he did that.'” (our emphasis)
What were some of those things that Djukic did on Russia's behalf? The story continues:
"Boro Djukic, the first honorary consul named by Russia in Montenegro, was supposed to use his prestigious post to champion cultural ties and the interests of local Russian business owners and tourists — a benevolent bridge between the two countries.
Instead, the middle-aged former bureaucrat took on an aggressive role in Montenegro’s politics, backing a movement that aimed to empower allies of the Kremlin and working to undermine the fragile government of a country considered a valuable U.S. ally in a turbulent region.
While honorary consul from 2014 to 2018, Djukic helped found a hard-line, Kremlin-backed political party that sought to force the country’s withdrawal from NATO. When the party needed a headquarters, he went one step further, offering his family home in a posh neighborhood in Podgorica, Montenegro’s capital.
A sign near the front door read: 'Residence of the Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation.'” (our emphasis)
The "honorary consuls" that Russia has placed throughout the world to do their bidding is insidious, but expected of the authoritarian regime. Their "honorary consuls" in the Netherlands and Spain -- two strong U.S. allies -- have been active in pushing the Kremlin's lies about Ukraine, as the study goes on to point out.
In 2016, the Russian Federation had a virtual "honorary consul" in the person and campaign of the Malignant Loser, who then took his Putinist views to the White House and tried to do in the United States what Djukic tried to do in Montenegro: withdraw from NATO, undermine the institutions of government, sow internal division, and spout the Kremlin line. The Russians were angry that their "honorary consul" was fired by the American people, and have been lashing back ever since.
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