Wednesday, December 28, 2022

QOTD -- Genocidal Russia


"War is chaotic, inexplicable and devastating to children caught up in it. But war is not an excuse to abduct children from parents and their nation, as Russia is now doing in Ukraine. This is specifically prohibited by the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The transfer of Ukrainian children to Russia — and attempts to brainwash them, removing their language and culture — is a genocidal crime that calls for prosecution.  [snip]

"While the number of children taken is not clear, Daria Herasymchuk, Ukraine’s top children’s rights official, has estimated that nearly 11,000 Ukrainian children have been taken by Russia without their parents.  [snip]

"Russia, successor to the Soviet Union, is a party to the genocide convention. But Mr. Putin has shown little regard for international laws or norms of any kind in his war to wipe out Ukraine’s democracy and its people. He and the other Russian officials complicit in genocidal crimes against children should be held to account." -- Washington Post editorial board today.   The editorial also links to an article about how Ukrainians are trying to recover their abducted children.

There's nothing more evil than what war criminal Putin and his henchmen are doing to these children and their families.  It's a calculated policy of torture and genocide being conducted in concert with Russian targeting of civilians and infrastructure in Ukraine. These goddamn bastards must never be allowed to escape justice.

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