Tuesday, December 20, 2022

QOTD -- Stonewalling And Sedition


This is from p. 90 of the January 6 committee's summary to its forthcoming final report on the insurrection, referring four seditious Trumpers, including unprincipled scoundrel and would-be Speaker Kevin "Qevin" McCarthy, for ethics sanctions by the House:

The Rules of the House of Representatives make clear that their willful noncompliance violates multiple standards of conduct and subjects them to discipline. Willful non- compliance with compulsory congressional committee subpoenas by House Members violates the spirit and letter of House Rule XXIII, Clause 1, which requires House Members to conduct themselves “at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House.” As a previous version of the House Ethics Manual explained, this catchall provision encompasses “‘flagrant’ violations of the law that reflect on ‘Congress as a whole,’ and that might otherwise go unpunished.”681 The subpoenaed House Members’ refusal to comply with their subpoena obligations satisfies these criteria. A House Member’s willful failure to comply with a congressional subpoena also reflects discredit on Congress. If left unpunished, such behavior undermines Congress’s longstanding power to investigate in support of its lawmaking authority and suggests that Members of Congress may disregard legal obligations that apply to ordinary citizens. 

For these reasons, the Select Committee refers Leader McCarthy and Representatives Jordan, Perry, and Biggs for sanction by the House Ethics Committee for failure to comply with subpoenas. The Committee also believes that each of these individuals, along with other Members who attended the December 21st planning meeting with President Trump at the White House 682, should be questioned in a public forum about their advance knowledge of and role in President Trump’s plan to prevent the peaceful transition of power.

It should go without saying that the seditionists who took part in early planning for January 6 need to be investigated by the Justice Department, and they must be prosecuted if evidence of criminal obstruction of an official proceeding or any other criminal act is established.

While unlikely to go anywhere due to the insurrectionists taking over the House in January, the ethics referrals are a stain which, like their seditious careers in general, can't be whitewashed.  They're among the worst of the worst:  Reps. McCarthy, "Gym" Jordan, Andy Biggs, and Scott Perry.

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