Friday, December 16, 2022

QOTD -- Trump's Playing Card Grift (UPDATED)


"... [T]he entire thing is far more Trump Steak than Trump 2016. For all of his obsession with presenting a glamorous lifestyle, his aesthetic has long been more 'Queen of Versailles' than Versailles. And the art in the NFT line largely consists of clumsily Photoshopping Trump’s head onto manly, svelte figures — not necessarily the sort of thing that someone might find worth an initial $99 investment.  [snip]

"When Trump lost the 2020 election, he found a way to generate a ton of money despite losing power. Through incessant email appeals, he managed to scoop up tens of millions of dollars from supporters who believed they were helping him fight to retain his position. Now, it seems, he’s trying a new angle. He probably feels empowered by the success of his coffee-table book of pictures from his presidency. If people are paying $75 for that book (or more than $200 if signed!), why wouldn’t they pay $99 for these? One reason, of course, is that with the book, you at least get the book..." -- Philip Bump, Washington Post, writing about the Malignant Loser's latest grift, his non-fungible tokens (NFTs) depicting a slim, muscular fantasy Trump photoshopped into risible outfits. 

Beyond the Twitterverse, late night comedians had a field day (Colbert, Kimmel, and Fallon). 

That this clueless, narcissistic, malevolent moron was ever president ...

UPDATEBut there's a MAGA sucker born every minute, so ...

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