Friday, December 30, 2022

QOTD -- What's That Musk-y Smell (Literally)?


"Last week, Twitter got rid of the cleaning staff at its New York offices and 10 people from corporate security, signaling that it may close one of its two buildings there, said two people familiar with the move.

"At Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters, where the company has missed rent payments, Mr. Musk has done the same, consolidating workers onto two floors and closing four. He also canceled janitorial services this month, after those workers went on strike for better wages.

"That has left the office in disarray. With people packed into more confined spaces, the smell of leftover takeout food and body odor has lingered on the floors, according to four current and former employees. Bathrooms have grown dirty, these people said. And because janitorial services have largely been ended, some workers have resorted to bringing their own rolls of toilet paper from home..." -- Kate Conger, Ryan Mac, and Mike Isaac, New York Times, on what's gone at Twitter under the childish mismanagement of galaxy brain Chief Twit Elon Musk.  What's next?  Removing the toilets to save on water bills?

This Twit is fast cementing his reputation as the "World's Worst Boss."


  1. I don't have ALL the details, but, why do these staff peeps stay under these circumstances. Are they being held hostage??
    Wave good-bye already.
    My favorite perfume has always been, still is, Coty's Wild Musk !! DAMMINT !!!

  2. Boots Mom -- good question; they certainly should have skills that are transferable. Maybe we'll see an exodus in the coming days and weeks.
