Putin fan and the Kremlin's favorite propagandist for Russia's world view Tucker "Tovarich Tuck" Carlson insinuated on his Fox poo fling that election meddler and Trump towel boy Sen. Lindsey "Huckleberry" Graham (Sedition-SC) was supporting Ukraine's effort due to something in Graham's "personal life." Life long bachelor Graham has been the target of speculation about his sexual identity for years. Carlson quoted Graham as saying that "somebody in Russia" needed to "take Putin out." This apparently offended Putin's stooge, who said:
"[Carlson] called the senator’s remarks 'crazy' and stated the 'real goal' for Graham and Biden is 'regime change' in Russia.
'So, it’s really hard to overstate how crazy this is,' Carlson reacted. 'And you don’t want to play shrink and wonder about, you know, what emptiness at the core of Lindsey Graham’s personal life causes him to identify so strongly with a country he’s not a citizen of. Something’s going on there.'” (our emphasis)
Of course, the same could be asked about Carlson's identification with "a country he's not a citizen of", i.e. Russia. For Carlson to personally attack hardcore Trumper Graham over the issue of his support for Ukraine / opposition to Putin is telling, and adds further evidence of Carlson's growing identification with and support of one of our most dangerous foreign adversaries.
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